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New Canaan Country School
Kuelap (in Peru, South America)
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Walls: Kuelap (in Peru, South America)
Athens Long Walls
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Botswana/Zimbabwe Wall
Delaware Estuary Living Shoreline Initiative
Douglas Sea Wall
Dubrovnik Walls
Freedom Monument Sculpture Park
Friendship Park, San Diego-Tijuana
Great Green Wall of Africa
Great Wall of China
Great Wall of Gorgan, Iran
Great Wall of India
Korean demilitarized zone (DMZ)
Kuelap (in Peru, South America)
Rabbit-proof fence/Dingo fence (Australia)
Sungbo's Eredo (Nigeria)
Walls of Troy
Vietnam Veterans Wall
Wall on Wall Street
Western Wall (Wailing Wall)
NCCS Encyclopedia and Database Articles
Citadel in the clouds (article from Gale in Context)
(from The National Geographic Traveler)
Dig uncovers lost world of Peru's/cloud people (article from Gale in Context)
(from The Sunday Independent (South Africa))
It's an ancient Andean kingdom ... and it's not Machu Picchu; Peru; Feel on top of the world in Kuelap, aka the Machu Picchu of the north. (from Gale in Context)
Cable Car for Tourism - Sometimes You Find Information in Unexpected Places
Kuélap’s New Cable Cars. (from Peru Hop Travel)
This is a travel company that has photos and information - can you find any information of value here?
Take A New Cable Car Route To This Forgotten Andean Ruin (from The Travel)
This is a travel company that has photos and information - can you find any information of value here?
Kuelap Cable Car – A Private Public Partnership Project to Improve Tourism
Web Resources
Kuelap Fortress
Kuelap was placed on the 2004 World Monuments Watch to call attention to its continuing deterioration and need for improved tourism planning. (from World Monuments)
This is a travel company that has photos and information - can you find any information of value here? (from Peru North Travel)
Korean demilitarized zone (DMZ)
Rabbit-proof fence/Dingo fence (Australia) >>