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New Canaan Country School
Friendship Park, San Diego-Tijuana
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Resources from the book in the Library (577.272 GAL)
Athens Long Walls
Walls of Babylon
Berlin Wall
Belfast Peace Lines
Botswana/Zimbabwe Wall
Delaware Estuary Living Shoreline Initiative
Douglas Sea Wall
Dubrovnik Walls
Freedom Monument Sculpture Park
Friendship Park, San Diego-Tijuana
NCCS Encyclopedia and Database Articles
US-Mexico Border Wall (Friendship Park)
Web Resources
Great Green Wall of Africa
Great Wall of China
Great Wall of Gorgan, Iran
Great Wall of India
Korean demilitarized zone (DMZ)
Kuelap (in Peru, South America)
Rabbit-proof fence/Dingo fence (Australia)
Sungbo's Eredo (Nigeria)
Walls of Troy
Vietnam Veterans Wall
Wall on Wall Street
Western Wall (Wailing Wall)
Wildlife Crossings
NCCS Encyclopedia and Database Articles
Worship through a wall: HOW A BORDER CHURCH PERSISTS IN SOLIDARITY. (from Gale in Context)
US-Mexico Border Wall (Friendship Park)
(Video 4:54 min.)
Saving the Wall Murals (kpbs news)
Web Resources
History of Friendship Park
The Friends of Friendship Park work to enhance public access to this historic meeting place on the US-Mexico border.
Freedom Monument Sculpture Park
Great Green Wall of Africa >>